The Grey Bruce Cruise -- The Rodent Cruise
Damn the torpedoes, er rain. Despite some gloomy conditions, the club set out on what proved to be and great day of sightseeing, spirited driving through some awesome countryside, an amazing meal at Pebbles Restaurant in Varney ON and finally a spirited cruise homeward via some great hills, curves and swales in Grey County. A heartfelt thank you to the Faskens for setting up this terrific day.
Oh, the subtitle "Rodent Cruise"? Um, one chipmunk and one squirrel gave their lives so that our cruisers could seek out Wiarton Willie.
Oh, the subtitle "Rodent Cruise"? Um, one chipmunk and one squirrel gave their lives so that our cruisers could seek out Wiarton Willie.
A shout out to Thai and Pete Shelton for these memories...